Coin Values Moving with Precious Metals: Up-Dated 10/21/2024: Gold $2727 | Silver $33.90

1893 Quarter Value

1893 quarter value is highly influenced by the condition of the coin in this vintage Barber series.

Understanding condition, and assigning a "grade" is one of the important next steps taken. A "grade" is based on how much wear, and condition of your coin. One of the main reasons for the demand for these coins is buyers seeking examples in above-average condition as part of building sets.

After reviewing the value chart, begin the steps allowing you to narrow how much your old Barber quarter is worth.

1893 Quarter - Barber Quarter Series - Obverse and Reverse View

Steps Leading to Value:

  • Step 1: Date and Mintmark Variety - The different mints for each year are included in full sets of Barber quarters. Each coin's value is listed by mint variety. Confirm the mint that struck your coin.
  • Step 2: Grading Condition - A coin's is grade is based on its state of preservation, helping narrow its place on the value chart.
  • Step 3: Special Qualities - Collectors seek out above-average quality Barber quarters in any condition. Aesthetic features have the potential to distinguish coins ranging in price from low to high premiums.
1893 Quarter Value
 Condition of Coin
Barber Quarter Values Updated 10/21/2024
1893 $9.42 $18 $60 $257
1893 O $9.42 $35 $98 $328
1893 S $18 $57 $168 $600

Listed is a range a collector would sell Barber quarters to a dealer. Use as a guide.

Step 1: | Identify Date and Mintmark Issue

San Francisco Variety 1893 Quarter to Recognize

1893 is a year that a popular and scarce mint variety leads in value. Over the span of the Barber quarter series, San Francisco mint issues typically recorded the fewest quarters minted towards the yearly total.

All mint varieties are valued separately and identified by mintmarks on coins struck by the different branch mints. Review the images below to examine and record the accurate date and mint combination.

1893-S Barber Quarter

"S" Mintmark on Reverse: San Francisco Mint Struck the Coin

S Mintmark Barber Quarter

Collectors and their firm demand have the strongest impact to values of the San Francisco issue quarters of 1893. The above chart shows in all grades of preservation, these old quarters are worth a nice premium over the other issues of the year.

Beginning of the second year of the Barber series, the San Francisco mint struck a total of 1,454,533 quarters, an increase from the previous year. Despite the numbers produced, these are the lowest mint variety available to collectors of 1893 quarters. A challenge to find in pleasing condition.

Confirming the mint variety is the "S" mintmark placed on the reverse. Within the area between "Quarter Dollar" and the bottom edge of the eagle's tail feathers, a large "S" mark is the indication of San Francisco coinage.

1893-O Barber Quarter

"O" Mintmark on Reverse: New Orleans Mint Struck the Coin

O Mintmark 1893 Barber Quarter

The majority of 1893 New Orleans quarters available today are in heavily worn condition. There are sufficient quantities trading in an active market based on their silver content. New Orleans struck over 3.3 million Barber quarters in the year, most serving in commerce for many years. Low to average quality coins are abundant.

Identifying the "O" mintmark and judging condition are important factors to premium value. Barber quarter collectors and specialists of the New Orleans mint's issues recognize above average grade pieces are difficult to find. Premium values are attached to this higher quality collectible coin.

Examine the reverse of the coin, specifically the area just below the eagle's tail feathers. New Orleans placed an "O" mintmark on all of their coinage. The example coin is confirmed by the "O" mark.

1893 Barber Quarter

No Mintmark on Reverse: Philadelphia Mint Struck the Coin

Philadelphia Barber Quarter

The Philadelphia variety is the abundant issue available today. These quarters were produced in quantities topping 5.4 million pieces. Representing an affordable year, many are sought by collectors. An additional demand is from investors seeking them because of their silver content and favorable price close to base silver worth.

The chart highlights the importance of condition in order to separate and recognize the higher quality, premium pieces. Although many remain, a nice example of collector quality is elusive.

Philadelphia is the main U.S. mint. During the minting of the Barber series, it did not place mintmarks on its coinage. To confirm the mint issue, the normal area of mintmark placement is empty. On the reverse, below the tail feathers of the eagle, no mintmark is the Philadelphia mint variety.

Step 2: | Grading with Images Narrows Condition Range

Condition and Its Role in 1893 Quarter Value

As a collectible, these Barber quarters are valued by their state of preservation. Finding greater detail remaining within the design indicates a higher condition and resulting grade. Grades help define condition and are used in describing and placing a narrow range on the worth of coins.

It is helpful to use magnification to spot some of the finer details described. Using a single light source also helps to highlight the surface of the coin. Study a Mint State coin first to view the full details present when these quarters were first struck. Wear, resulting in a lower condition, appears beginning with smoothing of the highest relief areas as described in the different grades.

Mint State Grade

Barber Quarter Mint State Grade

Mint State: A highlight of a Barber quarter collection is a Mint State grade example. This is coin with no wear to its surface that remains intact since it was first minted. Recognizing this high quality is inspecting certain key areas of the design to confirm no wear has removed any of the original surface.

Firstly, inspect Liberty's overall cheek and neck area. When originally minted, a "luster" is imparted to the metal during the striking of the coin. Luster is a delicate texture, and if worn, the metal becomes a dull, soft gray color. Tilting and moving the coin slightly under a light causes full luster to flow across the surface of both high and low relief parts.

Next, lack of wear is confirmed on the highest parts of the design. Looking closely at Liberty's hair just above the forehead, no evidence of smoothing, or flattening of the metal is seen. Wear in this area soon blends individual hair strands into a smooth, flat surface. Mint State is a fully detailed coin of high collector quality.

Extremely Fine Grade

Barber Quarter Extremely Fine Grade

Extremely Fine: Extremely Fine grade is a very collectible and appealing condition to collectors. In this state of preservation, a coin is just slightly worn with a majority of original detail visible. A few key points are needed to obtain this grade and collectors inspect each quarter closely to confirm their quality.

Within the headband of Liberty's hair are the letters "LIBERTY" as part of the design. To place the coin in the Extremely Fine grade, all letters are clear and complete. Additionally, the top edge of the band is very distinct, with the lower edge clear, although slightly less defined. In the same area, Liberty's hair has received some evidence of wear, but remains well raised above her forehead.

Secondly, looking closely at the leaves of the wreath worn by Liberty, note all edges of both the top and especially the bottom row of leaves is clearly defined. This crisp detail of leaves and their stems is identifying a high condition quarter. Wear overall only flattens the very highest points of the design in small areas.

Fine Grade

Fine Grade 1893 Barber Quarter

Fine Grade: A Fine grade Barber quarter is a visually appealing coin. So many of these vintage series coins are in very worn condition that collectors find it difficult to find pleasing examples. This scarcity is a base to their premium worth.

To reach the quality of fine condition, all major details are well defined. A recognizable wreath, a headband in Liberty's hair, and a detailed knot in the ribbon tying the ends of the wreath are visible. Within the wreath, edges of the upper row of leaves are mostly complete. A small area near the top of Liberty's head is showing some blending of leaf edges. The lower row of leaves is well smoothed and in many areas blends with her hair, an indication of the Fine grade.

A defining key requirement of this collectible grade is the readability of "LIBERTY" above the forehead. Lettering is virtually complete; only minor fading is acceptable.

No major marks dimmish the overall appearance on the example quarter. A well detailed representation of the Barber series.

Good Grade

Barber Quarter in Good Grade

Good Grade: Many new collectors look for pleasing examples of a scarce date and mint combination Barber quarter in the Good grade. The definition of the condition is Liberty's portrait is mostly an outline but strongly bold from the field.

The example coin displays a complete outline of Liberty. No part of the upper leaf edges or the ribbon ends at the back of her head is faded into the fields of the coin. Confirming the grade is a complete rim and an easily readable date. Looking closely at the edges of the stars near the rim, all are completely separate of the rim, an important point to the Good grade.

These coins are in a condition of heavy wear but still retain a certain crispness to the edges of remaining design elements.

How to Video: Grading Barber Quarters

Review the video and using additional images, judge closely the condition of these vintage quarters. Narrow the range of values on the chart.

Video, Images and Descriptions | Grading Barber Quarters

Step 3: | Special Qualities | Confidently Recognize Collectible Barber Quarters

Spotting a Premium Quality 1893 Quarter

Two large markets support strong values of these Barber quarters. All are 90% silver, and today silver is priced well above how much it was worth in the 1890's. Second market is premium collector quality examples, with value based on demand for scarce date/mint combinations and state of preservation.

Identifying your coin as the 1893-O New Orleans Barber quarter is just missing the scarce San Francisco variety. However, this is only the first step in a beginning assessment of worth.

Initially, these old vintage series of U.S. coinage enjoy a small premium over silver price in all conditions. The 1893-O at $9.42 is a nice find. Additional points of interest determine added potential.

Surface quality contributes to the appeal of premium collectible coins.

Quality 1893 Quarter Compared to Low Quality

Viewing the examples, the quarter on the left is above average in quality. The other examples display noticeable marks, a dark unappealing color, and evidence of cleaning. The collector quality coin displays a pleasant vintage appearance.

Heavy Wear and Moderate Wear Barber Quarters

These coins imaged above are clear examples of different amounts of wear. The quarter on the right is of a quality sought by collectors. A very noticeable trait is visible on the premium coin. Within the headband on the portrait, all letters of "Liberty" are readable. Easily seen and confirmed, this key element places the coin well above the average quality Barber quarter.

An examination of your coin and finding it displays a surface free of distracting marks, is evenly toned, and not a very dark color is a scarce trait. Additionally, letters visible within the headband confirms a higher grade and value above base silver worth. A quick scan and identifying these features confidently place the quarter in premium special quality condition.


U.S. Mint. 1894 U.S. Mint Annual Report
U.S. Mint. Catalogue of Coins of the United States.

Coin Values | CoinStudy Articles

Date by Date
In Depth Barber Quarter Values
1892 to 1916

Visit...  Barber Quarter Values

Barber Quarter Value | Many Scarce Dates

1893 is just one of twenty-five dates to the Barber quarter design series. Each is valued separately on the full value chart. Steps identifying date, mint, and condition lead to finding an accurate place on the chart.

US Coin Values | Mobile Guide

U.S. coin values cover a wide range. Beginning with minimum values just above face value and continue to large premiums awarded to scarce and rare issues. Using images, identify each coin, reference charts listing starting values, and follow links to full coverage. An excellent reference source.

Safe Coin Storage | Recommendations

Circulated coins show wear, nicks, and marks form use. Mint state coins are at risk of discoloration and darkening over time. Proper storage helps protect, maintain, and preserves condition and values. Collectors use individual and bulk storage options to house their collections and groups of coins.

Selling Coins | Receiving Value

Barber quarters are part of a large coin market. Selling these, or any U.S. coin, follows a few steps to assure a current market value. Accurate identity of series, date and condition are recorded, all narrow the value range. Refer to the listing of dealers finding one specializing in coins similar to yours.

Coin Grading Services | Professional Review of Your Coins

The series of coin, date and mint are evident on coins. Identifying the Grade of a coin is a skill of judging condition. When the potential of value is entering the hundred-dollar range and above, professional grading is often a good option. Subtle points to condition are expertly assessed. The top two services are reviewed.

Coin Values Discovery finds 1893 Quarter Value and...

All old coin values. Images are used to follow a step-by-step method when determining how much U.S. coinage is worth.